Top 10 books on blockchain and cryptocurrency
Date of publication: 01.02.2024
Time to read: 5 minutes
Date: 01.02.2024
Read: 5 minutes
Views: 760

Top 10 books on blockchain and cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are technologies that are gaining popularity in the modern world. The opportunity to make money trading cryptocurrencies attracts many people. However, to be successful in trading, you need to have in-depth knowledge in this field. Reading books on blockchain and cryptocurrencies is one of the most effective ways to master the basics and become a successful crypto trader. In this article, we will tell you about the best books on blockchain and cryptocurrencies that will help you start your journey into the world of crypto trading.

Memories of a Stock Speculator

The first book on the list is “Memories of a Stock Speculator” by Edwin Lefebvre. This book, written over a hundred years ago, is a classic in the field of financial literature. Lefebvre tells his story of how he became a successful trader on the New York Stock Exchange. The book contains wise advice and lessons that are still relevant to traders of all times. “Memories of a Stock Speculator” is a great start for those just beginning their journey into the world of trading.

The Active Trader's Course

The second book we recommend reading is “The Course of an Active Trader” by Alexander Gerchik. Gerchik is a well-known trader and financial expert who has been successfully trading for many years. In his book, he will share his knowledge and experience that will help you become a successful trader. “The Active Trader's Course” contains practical advice on trading in financial markets, analyzing charts and risk management. This book will be a trusted guide for anyone who wants to learn asset trading.

Truth Machine. Blockchain and the future of humanity

“Truth Machine” is a book that explores the potential of blockchain and its impact on the future of humanity. The authors describe the various areas where blockchain could change our lives, including finance, healthcare, education, and government. The book offers a fascinating look at the future of blockchain technology and shows how it can change the world.

Digital Gold

“Digital Gold” is a book by Nathaniel Popper, a journalist for The New York Times. In this book, the author tells the story of the creation and development of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Popper explores various aspects of cryptocurrencies, including their technological backbone, the blockchain. “Digital Gold” is a great introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain and will help you understand the basic principles and benefits of these technologies.

The Age of Cryptocurrencies

“The Age of Cryptocurrencies” is a book by Paul Vigna and Michael Casey, journalists at The Wall Street Journal. The authors explore the impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain on the modern world of finance and economics. The book examines various aspects of cryptocurrencies, including their history, technology, and potential applications. “The Age of Cryptocurrencies” is an excellent resource for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and promise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Mastering Bitcoin: Blockchain Programming

“Mastering Bitcoin: Blockchain Programming” is a book by Andreas Antonopoulos, a renowned blockchain expert and entrepreneur. In this book, the author talks about blockchain technology and its application in bitcoin. He also details various aspects of blockchain programming and provides practical examples and exercises. “Mastering Bitcoin: Blockchain Programming” is a great resource for those who want to learn how to program on the blockchain and understand its technical aspects.

How Money Found Freedom

“How Money Found Freedom” is a book by Brian Patrick Iha, the editor of Entrepreneur Magazine. In this book, the author tells the story of the creation and development of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He explores their impact on the financial system and the economy as a whole. “How Money Found Freedom” will help you understand the historical context of the emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain and their role in the modern world.

Blockchain Basics

“Blockchain Basics” is a book by Daniel Drescher, a banking expert. In this book, the author talks about blockchain technology and its application in various fields. He details the basic principles of blockchain and its advantages over traditional centralized systems. “Blockchain Basics” is a great resource for those who want to understand the basics of blockchain technology and its potential applications.

Internet of Money

“The Internet of Money” is a book by Andreas Antonopoulos, a blockchain expert and entrepreneur. In this book, the author talks about the role of money in modern society and the impact of blockchain on the financial system. He also details the principles of blockchain and its potential benefits. “The Internet of Money” is a great resource for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of blockchain and its role in the modern economy.

Bitcoin Billionaires

“Bitcoin Billionaires” is a book by Ben Mezrich in which he tells the story of the creation and development of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The author explores the lives and achievements of various people who became billionaires through investments in cryptocurrencies. “Bitcoin Billionaires” is a fascinating account of how some people have been able to change their lives through cryptocurrencies.


Familiarizing yourself with the best books on blockchain and cryptocurrencies is an important step towards successful trading and investing. The books in this article will help you learn the basics and develop the skills you need to be successful with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Don't stop at one book - keep studying this fascinating topic and put your knowledge into practice. I wish you good luck on your journey into the world of crypto trading!